R.E.A.L. Thanks Campaign 2017Saturday, November 11, 2017
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2017 R.E.A.L. Thanks CampaignThis fall brings with it the start of our 2017 seasonal R.E.A.L Thanks Campaign! Similar to last year, Living REAL is partnering with Families First of Atlanta for our REAL Thanks Adopt-a-Family Dinner Drive! We will be working to provide the necessities for a well balanced Thanksgiving dinner to a few neighboring families selected through our Adopt-a-Family initiative. The donation basket provided to those in need includes a turkey, chicken, or ham, veggies and all of the trimmings for a dinner to truly give thanks for! We will also work to provide Kroger gift cards to a few other selected households as a part of this campaign. Assembly of the baskets are planned for the 1-2 days before distribution with Families First and the cost of a basket is approximately $50.00.